Tuesday, 6 September 2011

Foundational Principles For Successful Businesses

"Principles and rules are intended to provide a thinking man with a frame of reference." Karl Von Clausewitz 

Businesses are started everyday around the world. Some get the rare privilege of 'hitting the ground running' bagging sales almost immediately. Others take quite a while to sell any product or service to potential customers and clients. Some grow and become profitable and successful, others merely exist, whilst quite a sizable proportion, if not the largest, fail along the line.

Among those that fail, some go back to the drawing table and resurrect the vision again taken into consideration the experience gained in the previous attempt(s). Others completely allow the one failure to completely cripple the idea demoralising them forever.
Others keep starting again, trying irrespective of how many times they might have failed. Interestingly most business owners out there are honest to tell you how familiar they are with such experiences.

However, one important factor I find very interesting among those who have the courage to start it over and over again until they establish themselves, is their wish or desire of not haven to learn only by experience, which has proven to be slow and quite painful and quite costly often times. Most will confess to you if they had taken a bit more time and invested in some basic quality principles they would have been able to avoid the costly mistakes they made.

I want to share with you some of the basic principles very necessary for a solid foundation on which you can build a profitable and successful business. I will discuss more of these principles and delve into them in more details in the second edition of my book “The Business You Can Start”. Here are some of the principles.

  •  The first principle is a resolve to make NO provision to QUIT. Be determined to succeed and ready to pay the price and the sacrifices required to start up, establish yourself, become profitable and succeed.
  • Whatever you intend to sell have personal VALUE for it. That is simply because you can only convince others and sell what you believe in.
  • Closely related to the above is the principle of striving to establish a reputation for EXCELLENCE. Be passionate about your product or service, and offer it at the highest quality and deliver it with excellence.
  • Settle it in your mind and heart that business is COMPETITIVE. You will have to compete with other businesses both directly or indirectly for the same clients. And more importantly for the customers income which will be competing for other needs in their lives.
  • Make every effort to develop or build a SYSTEM in the running and operation of the business. That way your business can function and succeed with or without the hands on involvement of you, the owner.
  • Identify those who NEED your product and make them WANT it enough to spend their cash on your business.
  • Work SMART not just hard. Do everything to get as much information as possible in order to have total understanding of your business, market, right processes and best practices to succeed.
  • Every business must have a stated, unique and well-understood PURPOSE. In business circles, purpose should be seen as a fundamental proposition upon which the organization rests. This also means that, when employees of a business know the purpose of the organization, they know how their jobs contribute to its success, and as such, more likely to work together to achieve the organisations stated goals. When an organisation has this fundamental principle right, it invokes a kind of “these people know what they are doing” from customers, clients, suppliers, regulators and even visitors, who interacts with such an organization.

Be on the lookout for the second edition of “The business you can start” for the rest of the sound foundational principles that will guarantee your total success in any line of business. 

You can always order copies of the current edition of "The Business You Can Start" via www.vikebusinessservices.com, Amazon.com, Amazon.co.uk, BarnesandNobles.com, Amazon Kindle (eBook edition) and bookstores around the world. 


  1. Excellent write up Autor. A lot of effort behind that post and some really good tips on improving interesting post, keep the good stuff coming, good content appreciated!.

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  3. Daily lot of business started in the world, some are the success and some are the fails. Each business has required better product quality, services, possible clients, market, etc. Thanks, to sharing here some basic quality principles they help to avoid the expensive faults they created. That's really useful principles to start a new business. Marketing Research Companies
